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Kaltik Frames Review - Jirka Tomasek

When Basza from Hedonskate offered me to test a new Kaltik frames I didnt hesitate and took the oportunity to try something new. At first I was a bit skeptical but this frame turned out to be really good product.

Overal the frame has a classic freestyle shape. Its one-piece, simetric frame with concaved walls and belongs among the lightest frames. Screws and wheels are held with metal rockers. My frame contained bolts with spacers to make fit the wheels better. I didnt like the idea of using spacers so I used xsjado bolts. Later it turned out that there was some manufactor problem including the wrong bolts. Inside frame there are braces to strengthen the frame and to make it less vulnerable to break. The inserts for UFS screws are open and easy to access. The main feature of the frame is the shape of its grinding area which has sharp edges which meet in the center.  Those edges also step out a little from the rest of the frame body. The frame comes in black and white color.

The frame is made from durable material which in comparation to mook frame lasts about two times longer. When sliding the rails the frame locks without any unwanted movement. The extrapolated edges on the bottom makes the frame really fast on royales and the shape of the frame makes soul grinds slide like butter. Only problem was when grinding the softer materials like wood with the frame having sharp edges made them to start to stick a little bit but this problem wanished after a week of skating.

Kaltik frames made in Ireland are about to get finished and after fixing of a few last problems I belive its  going to be really good, reliable and with the price of 40 Euro affordable frame. Kaltik will also present a 4 wheel setup frame in the near future.

Jirka Tomasek